
Founded in 1986, in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty just outside historic Bath, our heritage vine varieties were chosen as they produce fruit that truly reflects the stunning surroundings – their terroir.

As the vineyard passed from my parents to our generation, we have emphasised a regenerative and holistic approach to the whole environment of the vines, we feed and protect them with biodynamic sprays made from organic plants gathered on our part re-wilded site.

With numerous examples of Roman use, it is likely they also had a vineyard in the area, fed by the same natural spring water.

Other Things For You

The vineyard sits on a South facing slope, sheltered by a woodland full of natural life to experience on the courses we host and a serenity that calms.

We are passionate about using our site to help people connect with nature, find out more about opportunities on our Nature Courses page.

Come and learn about the traditional and developing world of vines and wine, working with us on the vineyard, visit our Volunteering page to see what our programme could offer you.

You can now come and stay on the vineyard, more information on the Accommodation page.

More Detail

Please use the navigation bar above to find out more about the vineyard, its ethos, setting, history and of course, the wine. When we have stock, you may be able to try Combe Hay wine at local restaurants and pubs that share our appreciation for quality and environment.

We are currently sold out of all vintages of Combe Hay wine, but looking forward to the next.

We’d love to hear your comments or suggestions, please get in touch via email on and you can also follow us on Instagram @combehayvineyard and our Facebook page Combe Hay Vineyard in Beautiful Bath.


Filippa, Steve & family
